Travel Season Gangotri

Before you plan your travel to Gangotri, go through the information on climate and what to expect on your journey beforehand. Select the best month and season to make you holiday experience really memorable.

Travel Season Gangotri – The best time to visit the holy city of Gangotri is from April to June and September to November.

Winter (November to March) is freezing cold with heavy snowfall which can disrupt your journey.

Summer (April to May) is very pleasant with observed maximum never crossing 30°C and can get very cold at night. This is the best season for pilgrimage and sightseeing trips.

Monsoon (late July – August) is accompanied by very heavy rainfall that makes it difficult to reach the temple.

The mystical hill station of Gangotri is famous for the Shivalinga, which lies submerged in river Gangotri, during summer and visible only when winter comes. The temple is open from last week of April to second week of November. Snowfall can be enjoyed during winters, especially from end of November till mid of March.

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