Travel Season Kedarnath

Before you plan your travel to Kedarnath, go through the information on climate and what to expect on your journey beforehand. Select the best month and season to make you holiday experience really memorable.

Travel Season Kedarnath – Kedarnath has a cold climate for most part of the year and the best month for travel is May and June and from September and October.

Winter (November to April) is categorized by chilly days with average minimum temperature dipping below the freezing point.Snowfall is very common during the winter months.

Summer (May to June) are very pleasant with moderate climate, with average around 17°C. Summers is ideal for all sight seeing, temple visit and also for visiting nearby attractions.

Monsoon (July to August) are accompanied with occasional rains and also temperature drops down to 12°C. Landslides are common at this time.

Kedarnath is one among the holiest destination in the country where summer have cool and pleasant climate and is the right period to spend relaxing moments and visiting the Kedarnath temple. Winter on the other hand is snow bound and chilly and tourists should carry heavy woolens.

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