Travel Season Yamunotri

Before you plan your travel to Yamunotri, go through the information on climate and what to expect on your journey beforehand. Select the best month and season to make you holiday experience really memorable.

Travel Season Yamunotri – Yamunotri has an all year cold climate. Summers during April to July are pleasant with temperature ranges within 6°C to 20°C and May-June are the warmest months. Winters during October to March are chilly freeze have temperatures at sub-zero level and are characterized by heavy snowfalls. This season is not suited for any outdoor activities, especially December and January. Rainfalls are very scanty here.

Basant Panchami held during January–February is a festival which is a blend of cultural and artistic performances. Other festivals celebrated with lots of enthusiasm are Phool Devi during March and Olgia during August.

Best periods to visit Yamunotri are during May to June and September to November.

Contact us to seek an expert opinion and select from a wide range of travel options with us.

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